Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to use Windows Notepad as a Diary

Notepad can also be used a digital diary for maintaining time schedules or other activities.

1. Open up a blank Notepad file (Name the .txt document whatever you want.)

2. Write .LOG (Case sensitive) as the first line of the file, Hit Enter enter,Then Save the file 
     and close it.     Note: You must type .LOG in capital letters!

3. Re-Open the Saved file and see you will see that Notepad adds the current date and 
     current time

4. Type your notes and then save and close the file.

5. Each time you open the file,Windows Notepad will repeat the process.

Now write your daily/hourly activities easily. To bring the current date and time just press F5!

1 comment:

  1. NICE!! Needless to say, have been using Windows for years and never knew this. Thank you!
